Share the gift of literacy through volunteering.

Volunteers are the heart ❤️ of our organization!

We rely on volunteers to implement our programs as well as help with our community events and fundraisers.
Volunteers make the mission and vision of OLC a reality!
Ozarks Literacy Council provides:
• FREE tutoring for adults and children
• Classroom readers for preschool and elementary classrooms.
What our volunteers give annually
hours clocked of service
books shared to our community

Changing a life can happen in just 1 hour per week.
Want to learn more about the tutoring process?
Want to learn more about other volunteering opportunities?
- Keep reading below
Become a Volunteer Reader
Do you like to read to children?

Volunteer in our #bookit reading resource program
Classroom readers model fluency, encourage imagination, and introduces students to different genres and authors.
This year we were at
- Williams (3rd Wednesday of every month)
- McGregor (first Wednesday of every month)
- York (1st Thursday of every month)
Elementary #bookitmustangs #bookittigers #bookiteagles respectfully.
Volunteers read to a class on their day every month and send each child home with a free book.
We also offer: parent tips, class and individual incentives, and rewards for the most time spent reading.
Volunteer as a preschool reader and help others develop a love for reading early.

Our preschool program volunteers visit SPS Wonder Years classrooms four times during the school year to read, play an educational activity, and send each child home with a free book.
Early literacy programs are important in growing readers and helping children be ready for kindergarten. Ozarks Literacy Council (OLC) strives to make kids’ enthusiasm for reading expand beyond the classroom and into the child’s home.
OLC volunteers visit a Wonder Years classroom in Springfield each quarter. Lessons for each visit are written to meet the developmental needs of the class.
(Wonder Years is a program for preschool children that will go to Kindergarten the following year.)

In OLC’s 2022-23 survey, 100% of parents reported re-reading the books to their children and stated their child’s interest in reading had increased.
Would you like to read to preschoolers?
Volunteers at OLC are never bored.

Help out in the office, sorting and delivering books...
We have opportunities to help out in the office with filing, data recording, selecting books, preparing books for reading programs and delivering books.

Volunteer in Special Events & Community Fairs
Event opportunities are varied. Up to 30 volunteers are needed to help at each event in many areas from ticket sales, silent auction assistants, and so much more! > Read More
Get more information to volunteer with OLC.
Frequently Asked Questions
- At least 18 years old
- High school reading level
- Able to speak and write clearly
- Complete one tutor training session
- Pass background check as related to the tutor duties
- Commit to helping your learner reach their goals
OLC has had trained tutors helping others improve their lives though literacy for 55 years.
Our tutors meet with their learners at a mutually agreed upon, public place, once a week. We provide the training and the curriculum, books and materials you will need. Adults and school age children are assessed to determine their needs and we match them with the tutor that fits.
Please go to our Upcoming Events page to read when the next training(s) takes place.
Make sure to register first before attending. Thank you.