Our Literacy Programs Changes Lives!
We promote literacy by strategically placing books in the hands of those who need them.
The Ozarks Literacy Council (OLC) promotes literacy by strategically placing books in the hands of learners who need them most and by engaging the community at local events.
Making the OLC’s presence known throughout the Ozarks emphasizes the importance of literacy not just for children but for everyone.
Whether it’s simply reading books to children at a community event or being an active participant in the United Way’s Day of Caring, OLC strives to make every person a reader.
We have 3 FREE main programs
You can get involved in any or all of these.

One-To-One Tutoring
We focus on the unique needs of each learner.

Classroom Readings
We help develop a love for reading early in life.

Book Distributions
Through community events, we put books in empty hands.
One-To-One Tutoring

It’s a free, curriculum-based reading tutoring for adults and school-age children.
Our One-to-One tutoring program utilizes individual tutoring. It’s just you, the tutor, and your goals. Tutoring sessions focus on the unique needs of each learner.
Whether the goal is to be able to read a book to your children, get to grade level in reading or improve your reading skills to enter a HISET program, OLC will help you achieve your objectives. Tutoring can be face to face or online.
Complete the Learner Sign Up form under the programs tab above.

in Reading, Comprehension, and writing.

Prescriptions, Signs, Menus, Applications or other materials you want help reading.

Higher ED
Get prepared to enter High School Equivalency Classes (Formerly GED), College and beyond.

in your reading abilities and yourself.
Preschool Readings
Develop a love for reading early
We strive to make kids’ enthusiasm for reading expand beyond the classroom and into the child’s home.
Early literacy programs are important in growing readers and helping children be ready for kindergarten.
OLC volunteers visits Wonder Years Preschool classrooms in Springfield each quarter.
Activities for each visit are written to meet the developmental needs of the class and practice kindergarten readiness skills.

Wonder Years is a program for 4-5 year-olds that will go to Kindergarten the following year.
In OLC’s 2022-23 survey, 100% of parents reporting re-reading the books to their children and stated their child’s interest in reading had increased.
Reading Resource Program, #bookit

Read to the same classroom once a month for at least 1/2 hour for the entire school year.
The teacher can select the book, and we provide one for every student, teacher, and volunteer.
Reading days:
McGregor (1st Wednesday of every month)
York (1st Thursday of every month)
Williams (3rd Wednesday of every month)
Start in September of the school year.

Williams, McGregor and York were chosen because they have some of Springfield’s most at-risk student populations.
These students also qualify for free or a reduced lunch.
Siting the 2021 Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test, 92.1% of third-graders at Williams read at basic or below basic levels, 84.9% at McGregor and 64% at York.
Third grade is a benchmark because children that are not reading at grade level by the end of third grade are FOUR times more likely to drop out of school and have a higher instance of disciplinary incidents.

Reading times will be determined by the volunteer and the teacher. Usually, the teacher will provide two-time slots during their #bookit day for the volunteer to choose from. I will have these times in August after the first faculty meeting.
Classroom readers model fluency, encourage imagination, and introduce students to different genres and authors. We are looking forward to 2023-24 at McGregor, Williams and York Elementary schools, #bookittigers, #bookitmustangs, and #bookiteagles.