Get the reading help you need!
Below are our most frequently asked questions. Please read if any of these apply.
Usually 1-2 months or less.
It depends on where and when you can meet:
• If we have a trained tutor in that area.
• How many people are on the waiting list.
Being patient with yourself and practicing will help. On an average it takes 6 months to improve one grade level.
The tutoring program is free for all income levels.
Adults who are reading below a 6th grade level and children that are at least 6 months behind.
We can contact their teacher or have a reading assessment with OLC.
Always in a public place. We do not go into private homes. The study rooms at public libraries are a great place to meet.
75% that participate in our program are children. They come from schools, but primarily by word of mouth or online search.
A teacher or parent recognizes the student’s needs to start. OLC can have a reading assessment to determine reading level.
Yes, if the student/parent is interested in that. Notify OLC of any changes.
One hour a week is what we expect for meetings.