Get the reading help you need!
Below are our most frequently asked questions. Please read if any of these apply.
It depends on where and when you can meet and if we have a trained tutor in that area and how many people are on the waiting list.
Usually 1-2 months or less.
Being patient with yourself and practicing will help. On an average it takes 6 months to improve one grade level.
The tutoring program is free for all income levels.
Adults who are reading below a 6th grade level and children that are at least 6 months behind.
We can contact their teacher or have a reading assessment with OLC.
Always in a public place. We do not go into private homes. The study rooms at public libraries are a great place to meet.
Matches are made based on the student’s needs and your experience, day, time, and location commonality.
There may be a match soon or it may take a couple of weeks. When we have a potential match, we contact you, discuss the student and their needs, prepare the materials, and set up a meeting to review materials if you need/want.
Kids about ¾ are children. They come from schools but primarily by word of mouth or online search. A teacher or parent recognizes the student’s needs to start. OLC can have a reading assessment to determine reading level.
Yes, if the student/parent is interested in that. Notify OLC of any changes.
One hour a week is what we expect for meetings.