Give The Gift Of Literacy
Your support helps us provide FREE tutoring for school-age children and adults in the Springfield area.
We also provide free books and classroom readers to elementary children through our Reading Resource Program aka #bookit, and to Springfield Public School Wonder Years preschoolers.
Additionally, we share many books at community events to all children to help them grow both their personal libraries and their appreciation for reading. Creating a positive literacy experience starts with change, and your dollars go a long way to empower someone’s future through literacy.
Send checks to:
Ozarks Literacy Council at, 900 North Benton Ave, #305 Lay Hall, Springfield, MO 65802
Giving monthly assists with the continuation of these kinds literacy programs.
provides two monthly books for a tutoring program learner
provides one month of reading/tutoring for one learner
sponsors one #bookit student for one year
sponsors one elementary #bookit classroom for a month
sponsors one preschool classroom for the school year
assists with office expenses, insurance, and communications
sponsor one elementary #bookit classroom for one school year
Choose how you’d like to donate.

Don’t know what to get for that hard to buy person who loves to read?
Want to memorialize a loved one? Consider making a donation in their name.

Meet Michael Underlin
Michael has been volunteering with OLC since 2022 when he signed up to be a classroom reader at McGregor Elementary.
Shortly after Michael won the Captain Springfield contest Ethan Bryan reached out to him and wanted to meet in person to give me a poetry book. It was at our meeting he told me all about OLC.
Michael volunteers because literacy is such an important part of our society. If someone cannot read they’re at a sever disadvantage in life. OLC fights to change that and better those odds for success.
If he were stuck on an island and only had 3 books I’d choose Ready Player One, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and Lord of the Rings.
Not many people know this but Michael but he can do “The Robot” dance disturbingly well.

What others are saying...
“She used to hate reading and felt very insecure about it, but now she really enjoys reading and picks up books to try to read on her own now.”
Engaged Partnering Parent
“Our 12-year-old daughter has gained confidence and her grades have improved thanks to the tutoring. She is now a cheerleader.”
Engaged Partnering Parent
“My fourth grade student was very excited to report that her reading grade at school went up from a D to a B!”
Dedicated Tutor
Read why our tutors volunteer
The help of your gift makes their learner’s efforts even more successful.

Michael Underlin
Michael volunteers because literacy is such an important part of our society. If someone cannot read they’re at a sever disadvantage in life. OLC fights to change that and better those odds for success.

Jessica Manuel
For Jessica, a literate community means far more than just reading and writing—it represents freedom, independence, agency, and respect. Her passion for literacy echoes our core values, driving our efforts to empower individuals through education.

Brandi VanAntwerp
Growing up, Brandi’s mother instilled in her a love for reading that paved the way for her academic success. Now, Brandi aims to pay it forward, ensuring that children in her community have the same opportunities to dream big through literacy.

Beth Cramer
With a background in preschool teaching, Beth’s passion for working with children led her to continue making an impact. She believes literacy is key to a better quality of life for all.